Route Edition LE
The R66 Scorcher Favia Route Edition was pulled aside and placed into the Route 66 Marine exotic holding area. Reeffarmers saw the exotic coral in person February 10th. Luckily Eric of Route 66 Marine made the decision to make this incredible coral a distributed Route Edition. The entire seed colony could have been easily sold whole for $800 US wholesale.
Reeffarmers is currently maintaining a seed section of this coral in a 8 foot Raceway Gyre BiZonal system. Our business associate is currently trying to acquire the parent colony of this coral after Route 66 Marine ceased operations. We will update this page later. There were also 4 frags of this Favia at the facility at the time of closure so we will assume a couple of those made it out and were distributed.
Our system is naturally filtered with a semi-cryptic zone and a reef flat exposed zone. In this captive reef the coral is positioned to receive weak to moderate light and moderate to strong water current. The first edition fragment of this coral was sold on our Buy It Now. Recommended list price on February 19th 2015 was $225 for a single corallite.