Route Edition LE
While on a visit to the Route 66 Marine facility in Southern California in early 2015, Reeffarmers saw over a dozen frags of this exotic coral. Eric had salvaged the frags from an imported colony and we initially called it the No Name Acropora. Reeffarmers decided that the name Purple Heart best fit this particular coral, but Atlantis Aquarium had already used that name as had a few others. So we decided to call it the R66 Purple Hearts Acropora based on the many reddish colored polyps occurring on the purple branches.
Reeffarmers is currently maintaining a seed section of this coral in a 8 foot Raceway Gyre BiZonal system. Route 66 Marine had about a dozen of these frags in their shop and they may have distributed a few of them before the companies closure. None were pulled out at the time of closure. So there is no surviving seed colony, only possible a few distributed frags.
Our system is naturally filtered with a semi-cryptic zone and a reef flat exposed zone. In this captive reef the coral is positioned to receive moderate light and moderate water current. The first edition fragment of this coral was sold at Reef Currents 2015 to Zach MacDonald. Suggested list price on April 21st 2015 is $135 for a small fragment.