Route Edition LE
The R66 Dragon Skin Leptocercis Route Edition was named in a collaboration between Route 66 Marine and Steve Tyree. Route 66 Marine has propagated fragments of this coral successfully in captivity from an initial colony. The patterns on these fragments have developed exotically and it is possible that even additional exotic patterns could develop over time in captivity.
Reeffarmers is currently maintaining a seed section of this coral in a 8 foot Raceway Gyre BiZonal system. Our business associate is currently trying to acquire the parent colony that was at Route 66 Marine's facility at the time the company ceased operations. We will update this web page later. There were also a dozen frags at the facility. Route 66 Marine had been distributing this coral to its brick and mortar stores across the US.
Our system is naturally filtered with a semi-cryptic zone and a reef flat exposed zone. In this captive reef the coral is positioned to receive weak to moderate light and moderate water current. The first edition fragment of this coral was sold at Reef Currents 2015 to Matt Murphy. Suggested list price on February 20th 2015 was $125 for a medium fragment.