Limited Edition
This very unusual and exotic Montipora was originally acquired by Chris at Reefkoi. The coral was shipped to Chris in a direct shipment from Jakarta Indonesia in June of 2012. He has maintained fragments under LED's with a total PAR of between 150-200. When maintained under these conditions, this Montipora is not experiencing the bleach out that some of the exotic Montipora corals can experience initially in captivity. The coral has actually been growing quite well in captivity. Chris keeps his system low in the inorganic nutrient PO4 (.02). He also feeds the captive reef tank with daily various coral foods.
Steve Tyree is maintaining a seed section of this coral for in an 8 foot raceway Gyre BiZonal system. This system is naturally filtered with a semi-cryptic zone and a reef flat exposed zone. In Steve's captive reef the coral is positioned to receive weak to moderate light levels from a 250 watt DE 20,000 K metal halide. The first retail edition fragment of this coral was sold privately to Jack Lenhardt. The Buy It Now introductory sales price was $90.00 . Retail fragments of this coral have listed up to $115.