Limited Edition - First Edition Auctions

Limited Edition Corals Selected for First Edition Auctions will have their very first fragment distributed by a one time auction. This will represent the first fragment of that Limited Edition coral grown for distribution at the facility. The months following the First Edition Auction month will be distributed as normal Limited Editions that are reserved ahead of time in typically a monthly or bimonthly schedule. is implimenting this procedure to address the concerns potential customers have addressed about being forced to wait for years. Some reef keepers simply refuse to wait. For these potential customers we will give them a onetime opportunity to acquire a fragment of a Limited Edition Coral. The highest bidder will acquire the coral. First Edition Auctions are done publicly and independently by Tropical Reef Oasis. We have agreed to a few restriction. The following people and their relatives are barred from making bids: Steve Tyree (Reeffarmers), Frank Burr (Tropical Reef Oasis) and the Source Farmer if one exists. The winning bid must be fully paid at the final Auction Price and be directly sent to Tropical Reef Oasis. No other discounts of any kind offerred by Reeffarmers, Tropical Reef Oasis or the Source Farmer will lower the final winning auction amount. Please note that typically about 50 % of the auction winning bid will be sent to the Source Farmer after the successful reciept of the Auctioned Coral by the winning bidder.

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