Limited Edition
Cyphastrea decadia

Cyphastrea decadia Colony
Image Copyright © 2004 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

This Cyphastrea species is the only one within its genus that has a branching or arborescent form. It also has acropora-like axial corallites which are basically polyps that occur at the tip of each branch. The specimen that is growing out has been maintianed within captivity since 2003. The corals corallites are bright pink/orange while the main branch stems are dark pink/orange with a blue hue to them. In Verons Corals of the World books the coral is identified as Cyphastrea decadia while in his earlier Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific, it is identified as Cyphastrea japonica. We believe that this coral specimen originated from Jakarta. The Southern California Reeffarmer Julian Edwards actually found this coral in a local reef shops display tank. The reef dealer assumed it was an Acropora. Julian distributed a small colony to in a coral trade. Steve Tyree is maintaining this coral for in one of his 125 gallon naturally filtered Tri-Zonal EG Reef Aquariums. In Steve's captive reef the coral is positoned at about 16 inches from a 400 watt 20,000 K Radium Metal Halide. Water current is moderate. Starting in June 2003 is allowed to distribute 1 farmed fragment of this coral per month. Price is currently $60 per medium sized fragment. The monthly limited edition reservation schedule can be found below. Please note effective July 2007 we have changed the harvesting and reservation schedule to bimonthly. This better matches the corals long term growth rate in captivity.

Cyphastrea decadia Fragment
Image Copyright © 2004 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

Cyphastrea decadia Year 2008 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
March - Fragment
May - Fragment
July - Fragment
September - Fragment
November - Fragment

Cyphastrea decadia Year 2007 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Reserved for D. Pham
February - Fragment
Reserevd for J. Westfall
March - Fragment
Reserved for C. Wong
April - Fragment
Reserved for J. Gagel
May - Fragment
Reserved for R. Rhode
June - Fragment
Reserved for M. Schwitters
July - Fragment
Reserved for T. Wasden
September - Fragment
November - Fragment

Cyphastrea decadia Year 2006 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Reserved for Susan R.
February - Fragment
Reserved for Scott M.
March - Fragment
2006 BA-CFM
April - Fragment
Shipped to S. Todoverto
May - Fragment
Reserved for L. Lau
June - Fragment
Sold as Buy It Now
July - Fragment
August - Fragment
Reserved for D. Schultz
September - Fragment
Shipped to M. Frost
October - Fragment
Reserved for R. Adam
November - Fragment
Reserved for U. Kemp
December - Fragment
Reserved for B. Bash

Cyphastrea decadia Year 2005 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Shipped to C. Conway
February - Fragment
Shipped to Clint C.
March - Fragment
Reserved for DR. B.
April - Fragment
Reserved for S. Bauer
May - Fragment
Picked up by John M.
June - Fragment
Shipped to Charles O.
July - Fragment
Shipped to George S.
August - Fragment
Reserved for Jerry G.
September - Fragment
Sold at 2006 SW-CFM
October - Fragment
Shipped to M. Hopper
November - Fragment
Reserved for S. MacKirdy
December - Fragment
Shipped to Clint C.

Cyphastrea decadia Year 2004 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

January - Fragment
Delivered to S. Garrett
February - Fragment
Shipped to Eve G.
March - Fragment
Shipped to G. A.
April - Fragment
Shipped to R. C.
May - Fragment
Shipped to E. N.
June - Fragment
Shipped to A. D.
July - Fragment
Shipped to M. M.
August - Fragment
CFM Auction
September - Fragment
Shipped to Y. Cheng
October - Fragment
Shipped to O. A.
November - Fragment
Reserved for W. Matoushek
December - Fragment
CFM AUctions

Cyphastrea decadia Year 2003 Monthly Limited Edition Schedule

June - Fragment
Shipped to A. M.
July - Fragment
Shipped to K. H.
August - Fragment
Shipped to S. G.
September - Fragment
Shipped to M. D.
October - Fragment
November - Fragment
Pickep up by T. G.
December - Fragment
Shipped to P. H.

To inquire about reserving a limited edition farmed fragment of this coral please send email to

Copyright © 2003 by Reeffarmers All Rights Reserved.

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